. a familiar stranger .


Sunday, 29 November 2009

vice up your life

delay, delay, delayed today. as each post drifts further apart it is high time to plaster the blogspot with fresh meat to chew. chew on this mon frere...

subsequent to a week or two of waiting for news, i was granted the role of vice student ambassador but five days ago now. now promoting the controversy of viceland, the sex, the drugs, the rock & roll, i can only dare you to get involved http://www.viceland.com/uk/ - http://www.VBS.tv/

whilst in the mood to share, toptip number two- pay a visit to london's national portrait gallery. 1960s photography exhibition 'beatles to bowie' is one to inform, admire & at some points smirk upon. furthermore the colour, pattern and composition make a change from todays highly photoshopped designs. below are three portraits which possess that indelible quality of an inspirational image:

pretty trippy ay

pink floyd
by vic singh 1967

that jacket. that nose.

the who
by colin jones 1966

vaseline on the lens

the rolling stones
on primrose hill 1966

& to finish, one extra
 just for the 'LOLs'

helen shapiro
by rex coleman, for baron studios 1962
definitely down with the sex, the drugs & the rock and roll

-until next time-
vice up your life

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

oo la la

upon the discovery of this video the evening of november 16th i found myself in awe of the illustrative 
production. still returning every few days to feast my eyes on the amusement of the final blaze the motion picture appears to have formed some sort of hypnotic hold over my mind.

as the film industry flourishes a little more each and everyday, i yearn to get involved. obviously not to the 
extent of creating my own 3D blockbuster. merely to capture and experiment. perchance old saint nick could help me out with the equipment; if not there's always ebay?? 

oh digital era, digital smeraa- so unavoidable we can only be engulfed by your can't beat it join it philosophy.
photographer extraordinaire nick knight even admits that the moving image might just redefine the role of 
illustration and photography as we know it- hence his SHOWstudio exhibition.
he couldn't beat it. he joined it.

but who's to complain? with such an open platform for expression and opportunity digitalization really must be a 
relief for those who believe 'these are hard times for dreamers'.
phew. phew. and phew again.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

the two month one week anniversaire

i have come to realise that today marks my arrival to greater London's Epsom at exactly two months and one week. shit. shock. horror. is all i have to say to that.
just yesterday my housemate & i were discussing the many adventures that we have had in such a short space of time. additionally we openly admitted that perhaps it is these experiences which leave us both frantically racing against time to meet our fast approaching monday morning deadline; more so then any fellow student we have spoken with.
despite this i would not have passed up any one of our mysterious acts or playful antics which accompany the contemporary youth culture we are now so accustom to. some of which were even beyond the reach of my right hand man, the disposable camera.

in celebration of such a momentous anniversary, these events and seeing the very last of this terms student loan frittered away on film development, i felt it necessary to share a few of the 'kodak moments'.




plus thank fuck pete & the shambles showed. a peachy night all round.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

nonchalant? blasé? inject me. bitch.

pure lethargy, nonchalance & an oh so blasé attitude undoubtedly overpower us all from time to time. similarly to simon pegg in his ever popular film 'run fatboy run' i persuade myself that i have merely met a wall in my marathon; this which you are reading now, is the beginning of me overcoming that wall.

perhaps the somewhat unpleasant yet oddly motivational term 'inject me' should have been chosen more wisely. with a babyshambles gig looming as tomorrow nights entertainment i ought to be careful what i wish for. peter doherty, a notorious drug baron. what? lets just hope he shows.

thrown into the void of university, an arts university at that, everything is an inspiration & nothing is an incorrect answer. simple right? overwhelmed, submerged, subdued i question the relevance of logic. nonetheless creativity seems to run in my veins and this logging of image, sound & thought might just get me grounded. plus who knew my myspace html skills would have proved so useful once more?! obviously blogging is where it's at.
flashbacks of '500 days of summer' occur in my mind. the jewish looking guy pioneering the idea that writing will help overcome troubles- in the case of the film, troubles that relationships bring. 
alternatively he could just man up. get an earful of jay z '99 problems'. & get out there.

on that disgustingly hypocritical note i too shall 'get out there' and get climbing that wall.
over & out from me. until tomorrow.

i should have been writing an essay whilst creating this.
i could have chosen to go to that house party the other side of town.
but what is it you're avoiding?

get in gear dear.