. a familiar stranger .


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

talk shit & shit talk

the sky & the birds actually speak louder than words

look away lucifer

a twitching of shoulder, a flicker of light. the madrugada video that injects a dose of genuine fear when watching at home alone.
an andreas nilsson production. the artist & director, based in malmoe sweden, best known for his collaborations with the likes of: royksopp, the knife, fever ray, white lies, jose gonzalez, peter bjorn & john, amongst others. so proud of his work embedding of the video can only be done on request. dick'ed??

-a monochromatic kaleidoscope of disturbed darkness-

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

milk moustache

friday 12th freakshow. an observation of real people translated into costume & image; ultimately creating a multitude of fictitious characters perhaps not so bogus as they may seem. setting, habits, action, attire, prosthetics & a potato based penis to boot.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


completely in awe over this

A Roundtable Conversation on Tomorrow, In A Year from The Knife on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

use abuse & then you loose

i'll lead you on & let you down
i'm yet to find another way

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


fortunes of a fortnight: 
a friend to stay - blood red shoes upon the stage - flat-mate fighting for all to see
city visits - road trip - sickness in the a.m.
friendships gained - a moving-out - a moving on
the wet weekend - home with a moat in need of a boat
a rejected lover
three & a half birthdays - not so many births
sleep deprivation - deadline days - a walk of discovery
torn trousers - trousers take two
picnicking in the park - hamper harassment 'the picnic in your vagina' to be precise
a broken budget - a bulging body
& yet no photographic documentation to disclose.

for some time now i have endeavored to collect & recollect weekly photojournalism articles. thank goodness a genius or two took the time to document events such as these, events far more iconic than my own naive weeks. the results enlighten, intrigue & invigorate. history merges on society & births a timeless aid.

-to name but a few